Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pinterest Addiction

Yes, Yes ladies and gentlemen...I have joined the masses of pinterest. Well actually I've been a member for while now, but just getting time to let the creative juices flow! (Maybe I will actually keep up with this blog now :) )

So first off, I set up my sewing machine (that my awesome grandma got me for Christmas!)

 So I attempted my hand at mending some shirts that needed it. Went quite well, if I do say so myself! It's not a beautiful sewing job, but it got the job done! 
Next, I decided that to make a rice bag -- you know the kind that you can use as a heat or cool pack-- for Matt because every time his body gets sore, he always says he wants one. So I found some fabric left over from our wedding, cut it down and sewed it up! I think filling the darn thing with rice was more difficult than making the silly thing!! 

Regardless, they all turned out great!

Apparently, I got the craftiness going and I finally used the 16x20 Shadow Box frame I bought from Kohl's a while back. Me being the pack-rat that I am, I kept a lot of little  mementos from our trip to Key West and our wedding reception. 
I cut all of our names off the card envelopes, you know on the front where it says your and your husbands name, and lined the sides of the frame, then I added to 
Our cake topper
Plane Tickets
Hotel Keys
A piece of my dress
Hair piece

and a few more mementos from our wedding ceremony and reception.
The self adhesive backing on the frame made it really easy and quick, didn't have to waste a lot of time and supplies securing everything down individually! 

Working on a couple more projects that I will keep updating on!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Always room for change...

As the semester draws to a close, I keep getting more and more excited about what I am going to do with my summer off. After enjoying time with my little guy of course :) I think I am going to tap back into my creative side... I've got quite a few good ideas I'm working on. And I cant wait! I got this awesome book the other day.. That gives many ideas for scrapbooking and journal ideas along with photo tips and design basics for photo crafts. So essentially it's going to be one crafty summer (since I don't have any other time during the school year.)
I also want to dust off my (amazing) camera more often and capture life around me..
I miss not having time for these things.. But I guess thats what happens when life is in full swing! I wouldn't have it any other way though!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Life of a procrastinator

So, apparently when I decided that it was a good idea to start a blog.. I failed to think that I would actually have to take the time to post things. Yet another thing that I have started and failed to maintain. I have decided that I miss the days when life moved slowly. Like when I was a kid, for example, I rememeber summer seeming to last forever, same with winter break (well back then it did last forever because we had over a month off). Now it just seems like the days are getting shorter and the amount of things I have to get done in those dwindling hours is getting more and more. I guess thats a down fall of getting old.. *sigh*
I saw a really awesome trailer for a movie the other day. It was called Waiting for "Superman". It's about the situation of our failing education system. Which is a serious issue, it seems udderly ridiculous to me that when budgets fall short, one of the first things that is suggested to get cut is education. Apparently the government doesn't realize that if they cut the budgets of schools that they are making a dangerous impact on our future generation. Why would we want to entrust our future, and the future of the 60-some percent of the population that are baby boomers, in the hands of idiots? Not only just idiots, self absorbed, budget cut-dollar menu educated idiots. It makes me sad to think that my kid or kids have to attempt to survive and learn something from the current education system, that is if they don't get bullied to the extent that school is one of the last things on their mind. What happened to the simple days? Isn't that one of the amazing promises are charismatic president offered us?? Where is it?!?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Beginning...

Well... since I keep seeing those I know having blogs and I don't have much time anymore to actually sit and write. I thought this might be a cool, new (not that blogging is new by any stretch of the imagination, but new to me) way to just get ideas, thoughts, and various other things floating around in my head out. I'm not really sure if this will have necessarily a 'theme' like many other blogs I see, but who knows it might just have one after awhile. For now it will be just whatever I feel like that day... 
Well now that I have spent a good portion of an hour building this blog (which I am still not very satisfied with, but I guess I'll fix it later) I will leave you to ponder...
"Fate, is an excuse for why we end up where we do! Our 'Actions' predetermine our Destiny, our 'Reactions' seal that fate!"     Carl Stoynoff